Saturday, January 03, 2009

Finally, I'm back!

A very big apology to those who opened my blog for the past 9 months and discover nothing new.

Guess I shall revive this blog again in this new year. Many things had happened for the past 9 months. It'll be too much if I were to write it all down. So I'll just continue writing from this moment onwards.

In less than 2 days time, I shall be returning to my university, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia National University). Sounds like some great place but honestly, nothing that great here.
Therefore, I'm not really looking back to return and continue my studies. Anyhow I would like to thank God for giving me a place to study and He has also seen me through my first semester.
Didn't end it in flying colours but I'm more than grateful to finish it with a moderate score.

That would be about my studies. As for my spiritual life, it has been up and down but i guess it's a normal thing. In the end, God still comes out first in my life He has continue to assure me that His grace is sufficient for me. God has placed me in a very warm and welcoming Christian Fellowship in uni called PERKEB, Persaudaraan Kristius. Met and know many great friends there too. Simply a great bunch of people that helps me to build on my relationship with God as well as simply being a friend in time of need.

Well, think that'll be all this time as this just a random post and also to inform all of you that I'm alive and that I'll be back blogging=)


s a r a h said...

wOOt! yay!! :D jian's back! keep updating! will be checking. hehe :)
blessed new year!

Daniel Ting said...

jian is back! woopee!

Anonymous said...

haha i also dont wanna be back at uni man. haih. ohwell. blog more la. tell all the interesting stories. then i wont be so bored in uni. :)

David Leong Kin Ming said...

aiyo.... so long... btw it's my first time here. nice blog! add a cbox laR! =)